Salts, Sugar & Jaggery
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Organic Wild Forest...
From ₹176.00 ₹185.00
Honey in its purest form, minus any preservatives and chemicals, obtained through natural processes, is organic honey. Organic Tattva’???s Organic Honey serves as a natural sweetener and is a great...
₹133.00 ₹140.00
NATURAL TATTVA Himalayan Pink Rock Salt 100g with Grinder | Sendha Namak – 100% Natural, Unrefined, Unprocessed, Chemical Free, Mineral-Rich Gourmet Salt 100% Natural & Pure: Sourced directly from the...
Organic Brown Sugar
From ₹86.00 ₹90.00
Brown sugar contains molasses, which gives it its distinctive brown colour. It’???s also healthier than traditional white sugar because it undergoes much less processing. Organic Tattva’???s Organic Brown Sugar is...
Organic Jaggery Powder
From ₹86.00 ₹90.00
Jaggery holds a very important place in India’???s medicinal and culinary traditions. Traditionally considered to be nutritious and a healthy substitute for sugar, it is an excellent source of iron....
Organic Sugar
From ₹81.00 ₹85.00
Extracted from freshly squeezed, evaporated, and crystallised sugar cane juice, Organic Sugar by Organic Tattva perfectly complements every food and beverage you prepare that needs sugar. Obtained from organically harvested...
₹76.00 ₹80.00
Himalayan salt is the purest form of salt and sourced directly from its natural environs. Packed with calcium and iron, Natural Tattva Himalayan Pink Salt is It is processed without...
₹62.00 ₹65.00
Black salt is like a magical ingredient that enhances and adds immense flavour to a variety of foods like salads, fruits, and snacks. Commonly known as kala namak, it’???s an...
From ₹57.00 ₹60.00
Directly and naturally sourced from the Himalayas, Natural Tattva Rock Salt is packed with pure minerals, calcium, iron and potassium. It is processed without any chemicals or additives and efficiently...
Salt, sugar and jaggery are three of the most common ingredients in Indian cuisine that add flavour and make every preparation uniquely Indian. With a plethora of health benefits that each of them provides, Organic Tattva ensures that they reach you in their purest forms and give you the best nutrition. With various types in each of these products, we ensure that we cater to every need and want. Enrich every recipe in your kitchen with natural and authentic ingredients by Organic Tattva.