Bajra Flour – Powdered Nutrition

Rajasthan – A place strongly rooted in its culture is known for its beautiful turbans, elegant saris, melodious music, and the food. There is a wide range of interesting and delectable dishes in Rajasthan – from gatte ki sabzi to ker sangri, and from bajra khichdi to bajra roti with lasun chutney. Bajra is a hardy crop that is grown in high temperatures and low soil fertility. Which is why it is grown in abundance in Rajasthan. Bajra is actually considered to be seed, and not a grain. Bajra has various health benefits, and nutrition.

Bajra’s nutritional profile is:

Nutritional Values Per 100 Grams:

Energy: 385.25

Carbohydrates: 72.14g

Protein: 12.72g

Sodium: 0.44mg

Fiber: 8.64g

Fat: 5.09g

Calcium 4.7%

Potassium: 301.22mg

Iron: 2.9%

Benefits Of Bajra:

1.Weight Management :

Bajra is absorbed slowly from our digestive tract, keeping you full for longer. This prevents us from overeating or snacking.

2.Gluten Free :

The protein content in bajra is gluten-free, making it a good replacement to the gluten heavy meals we consume every day.

3.Gut Health :

Bajra is probiotic in nature which helps maintain a healthy digestive system. Bajra also contains insoluble fibres that are vital for proper bowel cleansing and thus preventing constipation.

4.Maintain blood sugar levels :

Diabetes control and prevention both are affected by fibre intake in our daily diet. Bajra has a positive effect on diabetes thanks to its rich fibre content.

5.Healthy Heart :

Bajra is an excellent source of magnesium and is recommended to heart patients. Studies have also shown that magnesium lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and it also helps protect against stroke.

You can buy the purest batch of Organic Tattva’s Bajra Flour from all the major retail and e-comm stores.